Carleton Sheets – Biography of a Real Estate Investing Educator

Breaking into the real estate market is not an easy task but with the help of Carleton H. Sheets, it can be a lot easier. Author of the best selling program No Down Payment, Sheets allows the public the benefit of his experience in making millions in real estate. His No Down Payment home study course was successful for decades and he continues to provide educational opportunities to the public through his home study courses and Internet learning.

Carleton Sheets was born in Illinois where he lived for several years with his parents and younger brother before moving to Ohio. He went to college and graduated and went on to eventually marry and have two children. During his career he has moved all over the United States with his various positions within the workforce. He has lived in Illinois, Ohio, California, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida.

His entrepreneurial spirit began when he was a young boy by taking the initiative to mow lawns and deliver newspapers in the neighborhood for extra money. He borrowed money from his parents to start his businesses that he paid back as he earned money. When he was ready to join the corporate world he took a position with Armstrong Cork and later with Lykes Pasco where he was fired for not having enough experience.

He then decided to venture into the world of real estate where he had a rocky start. Having earned his real estate license, he attempted to sell commercial properties starting with an apartment building. This was unsuccessful as the building needed some work. Carleton took this as a sign and used his contacts to negotiate a partnership in order to purchase the building himself. Carleton had his partners put up all the money while he took the lead on setting up the deal and coordinating it. A year and a half later the building sold at a profit that was split three ways.

After five years of similar investment opportunities both with and without partners, Carleton’s status as a successful real estate investor soared. He was now owner of almost five hundred rental units. He garnered a reputation for finding lucrative deals, constructing creative financing procedures, rehabbing properties and selling them at a profit.

The more successful he got, the more he wanted to give back to the community and allow others the benefit of his experience. He authored and co authored courses for both the National Association of Realtors and the Real Estate Securities and Syndication Institute. He also taught real estate investing strategies to the local community.

In 1984, No Money Down was born. Partnering with the Professional Education Institute, or PEI, Carlton Sheets began a campaign to market his program to the masses. He entered the lecture circuit, was guest to a variety of talk shows on television and radio, was featured in magazines and had the longest running infomercial in history. Today, he is semi retired but still continues to invest and write. He recently had his courses altered to suit the Internet as a means for millions to access and learn from his knowledge in real estate all at no charge.

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