Upgrade Your Weather Knowledge With the Wind Speed Indicator

Getting a wind speed indicator for your home based weather station is not just about knowing the speed of the wind. It is a step towards making your home weather station complete. The goal of getting one of these is not replacing your regular weather guy but gaining a comprehensive insight in to an advanced method of weather analysis.

Speed, Ahoy!

The wind meter is more popularly is known as the Anemometer – it just measures wind speed, but of course you need other apparatus such as a display panel or, graph printer to make it complete. The common anemometer gives just the relative speed of the wind and not the actual speed. The more accurate wind speed indicator has jewel bearings on which the fan is mounted, which makes is very sensitive to even the slightest changes.

The rotation may be sensed by infrared sensors, which is relatively cheap technology but has flooded the sensor market today thanks to its high accuracy rates. Some instruments can be paired with a graph printer, which gives you a better insight into studying wind speeds over a period of time. We recommend a solar powered indicator which charges the cells on its own, without having you to run for the batteries every time.

Attention to Setup

The wind speed indicator cannot just be setup anywhere. The National Weather service recommends a height of seven meters upwards from the most exposed area of your terrace. This is generally regarded as a more or less accurate setup. But presence of large trees and the area topography have a huge role to play in measurement. Unfortunately, you’ll have to deal with wind speed anomalies and find a suitable setup area.

For example, if your house is situated on the lower side of a hilly area, chances are that you will get a higher recording than the actual speed. So, a detailed study of your area is important. Also, the mast should be absolutely vertical and the wind direction indicator should be pointed towards absolute north; even a slight variation makes your readings just okay in accuracy. And be sure to check for the local height restrictions of your area.

You can get a pocket wind speed indicator for around $50, but their accuracy is highly doubted. You can also choose to build one at your home, but again, it will just be a home science project. For enthusiasts, a good wind speed indicator should be priced around $100 – $150. For the more serious weather guy you can get a first class indicator for around $300.

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